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作者:陈弢 出版日期:2019年07月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:28939 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年夏,德国政府正式提出了“多边主义者联盟”计划,并将与日本的合作作为这个计划的核心和样板。迄今为止,德国努力发展与日本的价值观合作伙伴关系,以维护西方价值观和西方主导的国际秩序,并与日本在外交、政治及经济等一系列问题上进行了连续几轮的紧密磋商。在未来一段时期内,双方合作会继续加强。但受制于国内因素以及美国和中国等国际因素,德日两国的合作发展尚显缓慢,尚未取得双方高层在一系列谈话中所期望的国际影响和目标,还难以起到维持西方主导的国际... 展开



Abstract:In the summer of 2018,the German federal government presented the idea of an “Alliance of multilateralism” in which Japan was given a central role and German-Japanese cooperation was seen as a model for other countries. Up to now,Germany has tried hard to forge a partnership with Japan based on shared democratic values,so as to safeguard the international order led by the West. Bilateral consultations with Japan took place in the... 展开

Abstract:In the summer of 2018,the German federal government presented the idea of an “Alliance of multilateralism” in which Japan was given a central role and German-Japanese cooperation was seen as a model for other countries. Up to now,Germany has tried hard to forge a partnership with Japan based on shared democratic values,so as to safeguard the international order led by the West. Bilateral consultations with Japan took place in the diplomatic,political and economic fields. In the near future,German-Japanese cooperation is expected to develop further. However,mainly constrained by domestic factors both in Germany and Japan,as well as by international actors such as China and the USA,Germany’s cooperation with Japan is developing rather slowly,and both countries have not yet,as they had hoped,reaped diplomatic benefits or increased their international influence. This cooperation appears as such unable to maintain the international order led by the West.



