文章摘要:近三年来,俄罗斯农业在经济下滑的大背景下逆势增长,成绩斐然,它为稳定俄罗斯社会和克服经济危机做出了积极的贡献。与此同时,俄罗斯农产品和农机设备的出口竞争力不断提升,在世界农业领域的国际影响力逐步提高。2018年,俄罗斯农业受天气和其他因素影响,种植业产值略有下降,畜牧业产值有所提高。总体而言,俄罗斯农业向好的发展趋势没有改变,农产品出口势头良好。俄罗斯政府一如既往对农业发展提供必要的国家支持,并努力不断完善各项保障措施。此外,2018年还是俄... 展开
Abstract:In the past three years, Russian agriculture has made remarkable achievements under the background of economic downturn. It has played a positive role in stabilizing Russian society and overcoming the economic crisis. At the same time, Russian agricultural products and agricultural machinery equipment have increased their export competitiveness and international influence. In 2018, Russian agriculture was affected by weather and ot... 展开