文章摘要:2018年是普京开启第四任期的第一年。这一年中,普京高票当选,俄罗斯经济走上缓慢增长之路,社会民生改革砥砺前行,西方经济制裁依旧持续,俄美斗争风波不断,2018年对于普京这位老资格的“新”总统来说依然是充满挑战的一年。每年普京都会通过四场大型公开活动:“与普京直接连线”电视节目、瓦尔代会议、总统年度记者会和国情咨文向国内民众和国际社会宣传和解释自己的执政理念,因此,通过分析普京在这四场活动中的公开讲话能够理解其在政治、经济和外交领域的重要思想。 展开
Abstract:2018 is the first year of Putin's fourth term in office. During this year, Putin won the election with an overwhelmingly majority of votes, the Russian economy was moving towards slow growth, people's livelihood reforms were opened, the Western economic sanctions and the Russian-US struggle both continued. Hence, 2018 is quite challenging to the old “new” president. Every year, Putin explains his ruling ideas to the domestic p... 展开