文章摘要:2017年6月上海合作组织实现首轮扩员,印度和巴基斯坦的加入为上合组织框架下的经济合作增添了更多内容。在国际秩序加速变革、世界经济深刻调整的当下,上合组织各成员国对于国家经济的稳定性予以了高度重视,而构建战略规划体系、优化经济政策、加强宏观政策协调则成为各国统领全局的改革措施。基于国情不同,上合组织成员各国经济发展战略的目标、优先方向和实施手段均存在差别,取得的成效也不尽相同,尤其是新加入的印度和巴基斯坦。本文在具体分析各国经济战略、规划... 展开
Abstract:In June 2018,the Shanghai Cooperation Organization saw the first round of membership expansion. The joining of India and Pakistan added more meaning and alternatives to the economic cooperation within the SCO framework. At a time when the international order is fast changing and the world economy is undergoing profound adjustments,the SCO member states attach great importance to the stability of their national economy,and building ... 展开