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作者:汤琳琳 出版日期:2019年03月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16924 字 所属图书:中阿文化交流发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年中国和阿拉伯国家开展了广泛的科技文化交流,具体表现为深化产能科技合作、推进能源科技合作、扩大基础设施科技合作、开启航天科技合作、加强民用核能科技合作、发展农业科技合作、加快科技创新合作,中阿科技合作呈现出“一带一路”新机遇下的高速发展态势;顶层设计日臻成熟,务实合作显露活力;高层交往互动频繁,政府主导多方参与。同时,中阿科技合作也存在以官方为主,民间参与不够,文化交流不畅;中阿科技总体水平较低,科技交流形式较为单一,科技创新不足... 展开



Abstract:In 2017,extensive scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between China and Arab countries have been expanding into many fields,from aerospace to cooperation to infrastructure,from civilian nuclear energy to productivity,from agriculture,energy to scientific and technological innovation.Sino-African cooperation on science and technology has been accelerating since the implementation of “The Belt and Road” Initiat... 展开

Abstract:In 2017,extensive scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between China and Arab countries have been expanding into many fields,from aerospace to cooperation to infrastructure,from civilian nuclear energy to productivity,from agriculture,energy to scientific and technological innovation.Sino-African cooperation on science and technology has been accelerating since the implementation of “The Belt and Road” Initiative,which is led by governments with multilateral participation,and the cooperation becomes more active and practical under the increasing mature of top level design,including frequent high-level visit and exchanges.But the overall level of science and technology between China and Arabic countries develops in monotonus form and lies in low level.Sino-Arabic scientific and technological innovation remains insufficient.Though the macro strategy is clear,the supporting policies and services are not clear or completed.In the future,both China and Arabic countries should not only build non-government communication mechanisms to deepen cultural exchanges,but cultivate professional talents to promote scientific and technological innovation.Under the guidance of the top-level design,the supporting policy and service supporting system should be further strengthened.


