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作者:罗勃瓦尔·特谢拉·席尔瓦 沈世平 出版日期:2019年04月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15588 字 所属丛书:葡语国家黄皮书 所属图书:中国与葡语国家合作发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国与巴西在经济、文化方面交流日益密切,中国是巴西最大的贸易伙伴国,深入了解中巴关系具有重要意义。本文通过对中国最大的新闻网站之一新浪网的网络话语分析,探究网络话语在巴西形象建构中的作用。本文运用交际社会语言学关于语言作为交际场合的理论对论题进行研究,并特别关注社会身份的言语构建;采用质化研究的方法,分析2013年4月新浪网以“巴西”为主要内容的新闻报道。研究结果表明新浪网展现的巴西国家形象主要与巴西的经济状况、社会问题及体育实力有关。一... 展开



Abstract:The interaction between China and Brazil is increasing dramatically in economic but also in cultural levels. China,for example,is currently Brazil’s largest trading partner. Therefore,it is very significant to understand how these two countries are dealing with this intense contact. In order to contribute to the investigation of this relation,our work analyzes the role of the web-discourse in the construction of the image of Braz... 展开

Abstract:The interaction between China and Brazil is increasing dramatically in economic but also in cultural levels. China,for example,is currently Brazil’s largest trading partner. Therefore,it is very significant to understand how these two countries are dealing with this intense contact. In order to contribute to the investigation of this relation,our work analyzes the role of the web-discourse in the construction of the image of Brazil in the largest portal in China:sina.com. In order to carry out this research,we adopt the theory of interactional sociolinguistics that considers language as the place for the world construction. Specifically,we focus on the discursive elaboration of social identities. In terms of methodology,we applied a qualitative analysis to study news published in sina.com in April 2013,which has “Brazil” as the main content. The news was classified in 10 categories,including economy,society,sports,politics,militarism,culture,entertainment,technology and nature/tourism. The results indicate that the image of Brazil on this site is mainly related to economy,social problems and sports.



罗勃瓦尔·特谢拉·席尔瓦:罗勃瓦尔·特谢拉·席尔瓦(Roberval Teixeira e Silva),澳门大学助理教授。
