文章摘要:“一带一路”建设5年来,中国与沿线国家之间的贸易合作水平逐渐提高。从贸易额和贸易占比看,中国对“一带一路”沿线国家的出口占总出口的比重呈持续上升趋势,自沿线国家的进口则受大宗商品价格波动的影响,呈现波动特征。从贸易结构看,产业间贸易是中国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易的主要结构特征,但与东南亚国家之间则表现出较明显的产业内贸易特征,显示中国与这些国家和地区的产业内分工水平较高,更高的贸易额也是这种分工的表现。相对而言,中东欧国家尽管工业化... 展开
Abstract:Since the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed five years ago,trade cooperation between China and the countries involved has been boosted gradually.According to the trade value and proportion,the ratio of China’ exports to the countries along the Belt and Road to the total exports is continuously growing while the ratio of imports from these countries fluctuates due to the fluctuation of the prices of staple commodities.In terms o... 展开