文章摘要:2018年突厥语国家合作硕果累累。第六届突厥语国家合作理事会首脑峰会在吉尔吉斯斯坦举行,乌兹别克斯坦总统时隔多年以后再次参加首脑峰会,匈牙利也成为突厥语国家合作理事会的观察员国,突厥语国家合作理事会框架下的文化-人文合作成就斐然。同时,“突厥世界”固有的矛盾仍未解决,突厥语国家合作在缺乏共同政治和经济利益驱动的背景下仍是“想象的共同体”。在当前的国际环境和地缘政治格局中,突厥语国家合作在中亚的各种“合作”方案中并不占据优势。20多年的突厥语... 展开
Abstract:In 2018,the cooperation between Turkic-speaking countries proceeds very well. The 6th Summit of the Turkic Council was held in Kyrgyzstan. The President of Uzbekistan came back to the summit after many years. Hungary also became an observer state of the Council. The cultural cooperation under the framework of the Turkic Council has made great achievements. At the same time,the inherent problems within the “Turkic world” remain unr... 展开