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作者:马晓霖 出版日期:2019年01月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16823 字 所属丛书:伊朗蓝皮书 所属图书:伊朗发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年是伊朗当代史上外交内政峰回路转的一年。外交上,伊朗不仅协助伊拉克、叙利亚政府与国际联盟一起打赢了反恐战争,而且打通了从波斯湾到红海的“什叶派走廊”,参与塑造叙利亚和平进程与中东新格局,并将军事影响力投射到红海地区,伊朗作为地区大国的势力范围达到了百年来未曾有过的程度。但是,伊朗的过度西扩对以色列和部分阿拉伯国家构成巨大威胁,也威胁到美国的中东核心利益并导致特朗普新政府颠覆奥巴马时代的伊朗政策,威胁退出伊核协议并重构遏制伊朗的“中... 展开



Abstract:2017 is a turnaround year for Iran's diplomatic and internal affairs in contemporary history. Diplomatically,Iran not only helped the Governments of Iraq and Syria win the war against terrorism with the international coalition,but also opened the“Shiite Corridor”from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea,participated in shaping the Syrian peace process and the new pattern of the Middle East,and projected military influence to the Red ... 展开

Abstract:2017 is a turnaround year for Iran's diplomatic and internal affairs in contemporary history. Diplomatically,Iran not only helped the Governments of Iraq and Syria win the war against terrorism with the international coalition,but also opened the“Shiite Corridor”from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea,participated in shaping the Syrian peace process and the new pattern of the Middle East,and projected military influence to the Red Sea region. Iran is a regional power. The scope has reached a level not seen in a hundred years. However,Iran's excessive western expansion poses a great threat to Israel and some Arab countries. It also threatens the core interests of the United States in the Middle East and leads the new Trump Administration to subvert the Iranian policy of the Obama era,threaten to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement and restrain Iran's“NATO in the Middle East”. In the internal affairs,the dividends brought about by the Iranian nuclear agreement continue to show,and the people also enjoy some benefits. Moderate President Ruhani,who initiated the process of reconciliation between Iran and the United States,succeeded in winning re-election. However,because Iran invested more oil revenue in long-term development and export of the Islamic revolution,the people accustomed to subsidy earned. At the end of the year,large-scale protests,demonstrations and riots broke out,pointing directly at Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Strategy and even questioning the Islamic Republican System,which resulted in the most serious national road belief crisis in the past 40 years of the Islamic Revolution.


