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作者:曹旭东 徐英 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:30 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20041 字 所属图书:当代港澳研究(2018年第4辑,总第61辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中央直接行使的“全面管治权”具体包括创制权、基本法制定权、基本法修改权、基本法解释权、政改决定权、立法监督权、“附件三”法律增减权、紧急状态决定权、新增授权的权力、任命权、行政长官监督权、指令权、外交权、国防权等。以上权力的运行总体呈现多元化状态,本文从权力运行频度、社会接受程度、权力运行实质性程度、配套制度机制成熟程度四个方面对各项权力的已有运行状态做出基本描述,并对各具体管治权力已有的配套制度机制进行梳理总结,最后在此基础上进行完... 展开



Abstract:According to the Constitution and the Basic Law,the Overall Jurisdiction of the central government includes the power to create Special Administrative Region,formulate the Basic Law,amend the Basic Law,interpret the Basic Law,make decisions on political reforms,supervise legislation,add or delete the law in Annex Ⅲ of the Basic law,decide on an emergency,add the new authorization power,appoint the Chief Executive and princi... 展开

Abstract:According to the Constitution and the Basic Law,the Overall Jurisdiction of the central government includes the power to create Special Administrative Region,formulate the Basic Law,amend the Basic Law,interpret the Basic Law,make decisions on political reforms,supervise legislation,add or delete the law in Annex Ⅲ of the Basic law,decide on an emergency,add the new authorization power,appoint the Chief Executive and principal officials,supervise the Chief Executive and give instructions to the Chief Executive while some inappropriate views suggest that Overall Jurisdiction only refers to diplomatic and defense authority.The above powers show a variety of operational status during operation.This article makes a basic description of the existing operating status of various powers from four aspects:the frequency of power operation,the degree of social acceptance,the degree of substantive exercise of power,and the maturity of supporting systems and mechanisms.It also combs and sums up the existing supporting institutional mechanisms for each specific governing power,and finally carries out a sound construction on this basis,and suggests that a decentralized model should be adopted to implement the specific supporting systems of the Overall Jurisdiction.



