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作者:修斌 陈琳琳 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12107 字 所属图书:新丝路学刊(2018年第3期,总第5期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:日本敦煌学发端于大谷光瑞探险队1902年开始的第一次探险。大谷光瑞与日本敦煌学的关系可以概括为三点。其一,作为三次中亚探险活动策划者和组织者的大谷光瑞及其探险队的“开创之举”,揭开日本敦煌学序幕,既是日本人进入敦煌实地探查之始,也以此“比肩”于英、法等列强对敦煌吐鲁番文物的实地考察和劫掠,并由此奠定了日本在早期世界敦煌学领域“三足鼎立”的基本态势。其二,以各种手段收集和提供了数量庞大、内容丰富的“大谷收集品”,形成日本最大规模的敦煌学出土... 展开



Abstract:Dunhuang Studies in Japan originated from Otani Kozui expedition team's first expedition that kicked off in 1902.The relationship between Otani Kozui and Dunhuang Studies in Japan could be summarized into three aspects.Firstly,Otani Kozui,as the planner and organizer for three expeditions to Central Asia,and his expedition team's “initiative activities” inaugurated Dunhuang Studies in Japan.This not only marks the starting point ... 展开

Abstract:Dunhuang Studies in Japan originated from Otani Kozui expedition team's first expedition that kicked off in 1902.The relationship between Otani Kozui and Dunhuang Studies in Japan could be summarized into three aspects.Firstly,Otani Kozui,as the planner and organizer for three expeditions to Central Asia,and his expedition team's “initiative activities” inaugurated Dunhuang Studies in Japan.This not only marks the starting point of the Japanese field research on Dunhuang,but also “equates” Japan to Britain and France in the field of exploring and looting Dunhuang and Tulufan relics,hereby laid the foundation for the “three-powers” situation in the early period of Dunhuang Studies worldwidely.Secondly,with various gathering methods the “Otani Collection” came into being,which provides an enormous wealthy sum of manuscripts,being used as Japan's largest scale concentration of excavated cultural relics for Dunhuang Studies.Thereby the early Dunhuang Studies in Japan developed from the initial stage,when acquiring information and making introduction composed the main work and only preliminary studies were conducted referring photos and documents reproduced in Britain or France,to the new stage,when in depth and systemic studies were conducted with reference to the excavated objects.Thirdly,Luo Zhenyu and Wang Guowei were stimulated to visit Japan and were able to make use of the collection for studies,and then had profound communication and interactions with the Dunhuang Studies scholars mainly from the College of Letters,Japan Kyoto Imperial University,thus jointly created the glory of early East Asian Dunhuang Studies,and led the world Dunhuang Studies into a new level.



