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作者:〔印尼〕HenryWijaya 肖莉娴 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10630 字 所属丛书:印度尼西亚蓝皮书 所属图书:印度尼西亚经济社会发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:为了更深入、彻底地审视印尼基础教育发展情况,本文以中国教育质量作为参照,从三个方面分析了印尼基础教育的成就和不足。一是学生在国际标准化考试中的表现;二是入学率和师生比情况;三是教育投入情况。通过比较分析发现,印尼中小学入学率较高,师生比也比较理想,表明印尼政府为学龄人口提供了较充分的受教育机会,但以国际标准衡量,其教育质量并不高,处于国际排名靠后的位置。政府教育投入已占政府预算支出约20%的比重,但相对于社会需求仍明显不足,这是制约教育... 展开



Abstract:In order to examine the development of basic education in Indonesia in a more in-depth and thorough way,this paper takes the quality of Chinese education as a reference and analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of basic education in Indonesia from the following three aspects:the performance of students in the international standardized test;the enrollment rate and teacher-student ratio;the propensity of public investment in e... 展开

Abstract:In order to examine the development of basic education in Indonesia in a more in-depth and thorough way,this paper takes the quality of Chinese education as a reference and analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of basic education in Indonesia from the following three aspects:the performance of students in the international standardized test;the enrollment rate and teacher-student ratio;the propensity of public investment in education. A comparative analysis shows that the enrollment rate of primary and secondary schools in Indonesia is relatively high,and the teacher-student ratio is also at an ideal level,indicating that Indonesia provides relatively adequate educational opportunities for school-age children. Howerver,on the other hand,the quality of education is not satisfactory. Measured by international standards,it ranks at a rear position among countries participated the OECD PISA assessment program. Furthermore,the public investment in education is still insufficient despite it already account for around 20% of government spending budget,which shows a financial constraint to expand pubic educational investment. This is an important factor hindering the improvement of education quality.



〔印尼〕Henry Wijaya:〔印尼〕Henry Wijaya,广东外语外贸大学印尼语专业外籍教师。
