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作者:宋云峰 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19074 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017~2018年的英国在脱欧问题和移民议题上仍然呈现出对立和分裂两种截然不同的立场,英国公众关注的首要社会议题是软脱欧还是硬脱欧的问题。保守党政府内部在这一议题上也存在很大分歧,而硬脱欧派阁员的相继辞职造成了保守党政府事实上的分裂。脱欧议题凸显了英国社会的对立和分歧,但被人们所忽视的是英国民众在更多的议题上的趋同和共识。例如,越来越多的人趋向于支持政府放松紧缩政策,通过增税的方式解决国民保健、教育、警务等公共服务缺乏资金的难题;高比例的民... 展开



Abstract:Except on the issue of EU and immigration,surveys show that Britain’s public attitudes to many issues are actually moving towards more consensus. These include an inclination for the government to raise tax and spend more on public services(a reaction to the long-term austerity);high rate of support for government’s tough measures to tackle crime and terrorist attack;increased support rate for liberalism on issues of personal f... 展开

Abstract:Except on the issue of EU and immigration,surveys show that Britain’s public attitudes to many issues are actually moving towards more consensus. These include an inclination for the government to raise tax and spend more on public services(a reaction to the long-term austerity);high rate of support for government’s tough measures to tackle crime and terrorist attack;increased support rate for liberalism on issues of personal freedom such as same-sex relationship,pre-marital sex and abortion. These trends might have affected the Conservative Government’s policy on austerity which might be loosened and its willingness to conduct other social reforms. On social issues,pay inequality between male and female employees,Windrush Scandal involving racial discrimination and infringing personal freedom and rights,the negative impact of the implementation of “universal credit”,and the widening division between the degree holders and the degree-less people have caught the public attention.


