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作者:陈琳琳 出版日期:2018年11月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18849 字 所属图书:亚洲与世界(第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文就各国学者在敦煌文献发现初期围绕其所进行的一系列收集、整理、交流、研究工作做了一些梳理,并侧重考察当时中国学者王国维、罗振玉与欧洲及日本学者之间围绕敦煌文献研究所进行的信息的交流、资料的传递;按照时间顺序,介绍了各国学者围绕敦煌出土文献所做的探访、收集、整理和研究工作;记录了欧洲、中国、日本相关学者对待敦煌出土资料所做的具体应对措施;梳理了当时中国、日本学者赴英法两国的访书活动。并试图通过梳理王国维、罗振玉《简牍检署考》的成书过程... 展开



Abstract:This paper provides a collation of the research focusing on the collection,collation,communication and study of the Dunhuang references at the early discovered stage,and with emphasizing on the communication and transferring of these reference research between Chinese researchers (such as Guowei Wang,Zhenyu Luo) and European researchers;Following this in time,we give an introduction on these research activities on the discover... 展开

Abstract:This paper provides a collation of the research focusing on the collection,collation,communication and study of the Dunhuang references at the early discovered stage,and with emphasizing on the communication and transferring of these reference research between Chinese researchers (such as Guowei Wang,Zhenyu Luo) and European researchers;Following this in time,we give an introduction on these research activities on the discovered Dunhuang References,which records the exact solutions conducted by these researchers on the References;and also to provide the extensive collation of the activities of promotions of books between Chinese and Japanese researchers,and try to explore the transition of the research interest of Guowei Wang under the external academic conditions,which is more suitable for his research activity.As a case study,we provide the research on the communicated mechanism between Chinese researchers and European and Japanese researchers on the Dunhuang References,which leading to the re-printing of the reference Tangbenqieyun,and give a good record and materials of the rhyme study in-current and following periods together with their excellent remarks. As a typical examples of communication between academic researches on Dunhuang references,this activities make the common international culture of the DUNHUANG study with the individual academic specials,which resulting in a real cyberspace of the international DUNHUAN academic world.


