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作者:吴国庆 出版日期:2018年09月 报告页数:32 页 报告大小: 报告字数:29772 字 所属丛书:法国蓝皮书 所属图书:法国发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:法兰西第五共和国实行多党制,其政党格局随着政治力量的消长而不断地变化。2017年总统大选和立法选举以前,法国政党格局经历了右翼居优的三极化格局时期、右左翼轮流居优的两极化格局时期、左右翼轮流居优的三极化格局时期。在2017年的总统大选和立法选举中,诞生了新政党格局。法国选民因传统政党未能解决法国经济、政治和社会深层次的问题以及传统精英腐败等而选择了法国政坛上的一颗新星埃马纽埃尔·马克龙及其共和国前进党。新政党格局是在2017年大选和立法选举中的政... 展开



Abstract:The Fifth Republic of France has a multi-party system,and its political party pattern constantly changes with the evolution of different political forces. Before the 2017 presidential and legislative elections,the pattern of the French political was marked by a period of tripolarization in which the right-wing was predominant,followed by a period of bipolarization in which the right and left gained dominance successively,and then ... 展开

Abstract:The Fifth Republic of France has a multi-party system,and its political party pattern constantly changes with the evolution of different political forces. Before the 2017 presidential and legislative elections,the pattern of the French political was marked by a period of tripolarization in which the right-wing was predominant,followed by a period of bipolarization in which the right and left gained dominance successively,and then followed by a period of tripolarization in which the left and right alternated in power. With the 2017 election and legislative elections,a new party structure was born. The reason is that French voters had chosen a rising star in the French political arena,Emmanuel Macron,and his La République en Marche,due to the failure of traditional political parties to resolve the deep problems of the French economy,politics,and society,and because of the corruption of traditional political elites. The new pattern of political parties,resulting from the abrupt change in the 2017 presidential and legislative elections,was characterized by the trend of quatripolarization of the left,middle,right,and extreme right,with the new middle party being in a predominant position. The new pattern of political parties occurs under the “Party Law”,the volatility and multiplicity of parties becoming more pronounced. The new pattern of political parties has enabled the middle party to participate in the traditional political alternation between left and right,thus breaking the “pendulum principle”;and has contributed to containing the proliferation of nationalism,populism,extremism,and mistrust in France and Europe. It will help to overcome the EU scepticism and restart the process of European integration. It will also facilitate in-depth reform of the Fifth Republic and strengthen France’s hard and soft power in furtherance of the dream of General de Gaulle and other presidents of the Fifth Republic,namely that of France as a “Great Power” and “Strong Power”.



