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作者:郭婧 出版日期:2018年06月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:32723 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2018):默克尔4.0时期的德国何去何从 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:欧洲难民危机爆发以来,德国接收了大量来自叙利亚、伊拉克、非洲等地的难民,使得德国成为全球第二大移民国家。为了让这些外来移民尽快融入主流社会,德国政府修改、扩充原有的政策和措施并推出新的融入政策与措施。本文简要介绍了德国难民融入政策的基本情况,并系统展示了难民语言融入措施及其效果,包括针对不同群体的融入课程、针对有工作能力难民的与职业相关的德语能力提高项目、针对大学生和有意愿上大学的难民的德语能力提高计划。从课程参与情况、考试通过率等数... 展开



Abstract:Since the commencement of the European refugee crisis,Germany has received a large number of refugees from Syria,Iraq and Africa,making it the second largest immigration country in the world. In order to help these immigrants integrate into German society as quickly as possible,the government introduced new revised and expanded policies and procedures aimed at integration. This paper briefly introduces these policies,sets out det... 展开

Abstract:Since the commencement of the European refugee crisis,Germany has received a large number of refugees from Syria,Iraq and Africa,making it the second largest immigration country in the world. In order to help these immigrants integrate into German society as quickly as possible,the government introduced new revised and expanded policies and procedures aimed at integration. This paper briefly introduces these policies,sets out details of language integration procedures and their results,including integration courses for different groups,vocational language programs for those who are able to work as well as language promotion programs for college students and those who are willing to study. From data on course participation and the passing of tests we can infer that these language courses are of a high quality and have achieved good results. But the lack of relevant courses and the shortage of teachers have become problems that the government must face when formulating policies for integrating refugees.



