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作者:丁超 出版时间:2018年06月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18212 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着上海合作组织经济、人文合作的不断推进,科技创新领域的合作逐渐启动并日臻完善。上合组织科技部长会晤机制从制度上保障了成员国间科技合作的发展,近年来,成员国间科技合作的规模和水平均有所提升,但配套机制(如资金支持和实施部门间的协调机制)的不完善,也使上合组织多边科技合作的发展相对滞后,双边合作依然为成员国间科技关系的主要形式。上合组织成员国科技创新能力和潜力差异较大,扩员在一定程度上缩小了这种差异,丰富了科技合作的内容和形式,但从长期... 展开



Abstract:With the continuous promotion of the economic and humanistic cooperation of the SCO,the cooperation in the field of scientific and technological innovation has gradually started and perfected. The SCO ministerial meeting system has ensured the development of scientific and technological cooperation among member countries. In recent years,the scale and level of scientific and technological cooperation among member countries have been... 展开

Abstract:With the continuous promotion of the economic and humanistic cooperation of the SCO,the cooperation in the field of scientific and technological innovation has gradually started and perfected. The SCO ministerial meeting system has ensured the development of scientific and technological cooperation among member countries. In recent years,the scale and level of scientific and technological cooperation among member countries have been promoted. However,the imperfect supporting mechanisms like the financial support and interdepartmental coordination mechanism have made the development of the SCO multilateral technology cooperation relatively backward,bilateral cooperation is still the main form of technological relations among member states. The SCO members have great differences in technological innovation capability and potential,the expansion members have bridged the difference and enriched the content and form of scientific and technological cooperation to some extent. But in the long run,it is still a long way to get rid of the government-led and aid-oriented cooperation model,introduce extra budgetary and enterprise funds,and make use of scientific and technological innovation to stimulate regional economic growth.



