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作者:魏作磊 詹迁羽 出版日期:2018年05月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15400 字 所属丛书:广东外经贸蓝皮书 所属图书:广东对外经济贸易发展研究报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:基于对广东利用外资和全球FDI的数据及其现状分析,把广东利用外资划分为三个阶段:1979~1992年,实际利用外资增长速度快,但主要集中在制造业,服务业总体开放水平低;1993~2006年,实际利用外资金额大幅度提高;2007~2016年,服务业超过工业成为吸引外资的主要产业,金融业、商务服务与租赁等生产服务业所占比重有了显著提高。但是,服务业利用外资还存在行业结构层次低、外商直接投资区域分布不均衡等不足。然后,从全球服务业资本流动特点来看,全球FDI主要流入金融... 展开



Abstract:Based on World Investment Report 2016 and the paid-in value of FDI data from Guangdong Province for forty years,this paper analyzes the current situation of the utilization of foreign investment in Guangdong Province and the world with some suggestions.It can be divided into three parts:Firstly,the review and analysis of the actual utilization of foreign investment in Guangdong Province.According to the trend of paid-in value of FD... 展开

Abstract:Based on World Investment Report 2016 and the paid-in value of FDI data from Guangdong Province for forty years,this paper analyzes the current situation of the utilization of foreign investment in Guangdong Province and the world with some suggestions.It can be divided into three parts:Firstly,the review and analysis of the actual utilization of foreign investment in Guangdong Province.According to the trend of paid-in value of FDI in Guangdong Province,it is divided into three stages:during 1979-1992,the paid-in value of FDI growth rate is fast,but mainly concentrated in the manufacturing sector,the service sector shows low level of openness.In 1993-2006,the paid-in value of FDI has increased substantially;the characteristics of the industry distribution are basically the same with those previously.From 2007 to 2016,service industry surpasses manufacturing and become the major industry which attracts FDI.Meanwhile,the proportion of producer-service suppliers such as finance,business services and rental,have been significantly improved.The problems are the low level of industrial structure utilization by service industries and the unbalanced distribution of FDI.Secondly,the analysis of the FDI trends of global service industry.From the prospect of the industry,the service industry absorbs the most FDI inflows,financial insurance and business services within the service industry,which are the hotspots.From the prospect of the geography,the developed economies and the developing economies are the main destination of FDI,the developed economies and Asia Developing economies are the main investor.From the prospect of the subject,manufacturing overseas branches are an important form of service FDI.Thirdly,the proposals on expanding the use of foreign investment in Guangdong's service industry.To enhance the utilization of foreign investment,we can optimize the industrial structure of foreign investment in service industries,improve the space distribution of FDI,and broaden the sources of foreign investment in service industries and so on.




