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作者:马强 出版时间:2018年06月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15553 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:俄罗斯发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年俄罗斯社会的总体背景是:西方对俄罗斯的制裁仍在继续,经济虽有缓慢增长,但仍处于危机状态;俄罗斯人收入水平下降,生活水平在低谷徘徊,贫困加剧。在危机与贫困并存的背景下,俄罗斯民众期待改革,通过改革改变社会现状,解决社会问题。但俄罗斯对改革还没有做好准备,尚不清楚改革的方向和具体措施。为防范“颜色革命”和外部势力干涉,保证2018年总统大选平稳进行,俄罗斯当局在鼓励社会团结的同时,采取措施严控社会领域,打击反对派,实现社会稳定。总体上国... 展开



Abstract:The general situation of Russian society in 2017 was:the economy increased slowly and was still in a state of crisis due to the sanctions from the west;the real income of ordinary people declined and the problem of poverty became intense. Against the backdrop of crisis and poverty,Russian people expressed the desire to reform and change the current situation. However,they are not fully prepared for the reform and know little about... 展开

Abstract:The general situation of Russian society in 2017 was:the economy increased slowly and was still in a state of crisis due to the sanctions from the west;the real income of ordinary people declined and the problem of poverty became intense. Against the backdrop of crisis and poverty,Russian people expressed the desire to reform and change the current situation. However,they are not fully prepared for the reform and know little about the direction and specific measures of the reform. To curb the influence of color revolution,interference of external forces and make sure the stability during the presidential election,the Russian government on one hand encourages the social solidarity and on the other hand severe control over the society and suppresses the political opposition. Generally,the pattern of strong state and weak society has not changed. The space of social sphere becomes increasingly small



