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作者:刘红 出版日期:2018年05月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13500 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:对外直接投资与中国经济的高质量发展紧密相关。新时代背景下,加大对日直接投资有利于破解中国经济面临的开放、创新、人才等一系列难题,促进中国经济发展质量的提高。现阶段的中国企业对日直接投资呈现出规模小、以民营企业的并购投资为主、投资集中于非制造业领域、投资收益总体不高等特点。展望未来,短期内中国企业对日直接投资仍将保持稳步增长,但受中日企业相互认知低、对日并购竞争加剧、传统观念阻碍等因素影响,尚难实现飞跃性增长;从中长期来看,随着日本营商... 展开



Abstract:Foreign direct investment is closely related to the high quality development of China’s economy. Under the new era,increase the direct investment in Japan will help to solve a series of difficulties faced by Chinese economy such as opening-up,innovation and human resources;it will also help to improve the quality of China’s economic development. In the current stage,the characteristics of Chinese firms’ direct investment in Jap... 展开

Abstract:Foreign direct investment is closely related to the high quality development of China’s economy. Under the new era,increase the direct investment in Japan will help to solve a series of difficulties faced by Chinese economy such as opening-up,innovation and human resources;it will also help to improve the quality of China’s economic development. In the current stage,the characteristics of Chinese firms’ direct investment in Japan are:small scale,mainly in the form of non-governmental business acquisition,focusing on non-manufacturing sector,and low overall investment return. Looking into the future,Chinese firms’ direct investment in Japan will continue to increase steadily. But a leap growth is hard to achieve in the short run because of the factors such as:the firms in China and Japan not having a good mutual understanding,the acquisition in Japan becoming more competitive,and the obstacles from traditional believes,etc. In the long run,due to the good factors including continuous improvement of Japanese business environment,the optimization of China’s management on foreign direct investment,the change in the attitude of Japanese firms towards Chinese capital investment,and the increase in the average return rate of the investment in Japan,we can expect a new peak of Chinese firms’ direct investment in Japan.


