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作者:陈晔 出版日期:2018年03月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9926 字 所属丛书:海洋社会蓝皮书 所属图书:中国海洋社会发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:1985年3月10日,由中国水产联合总公司组织的我国第一支远洋船队赴西非海域从事远洋捕捞作业,开启了我国远洋渔业发展历史进程,标志着我国远洋渔业正式起步,目前我国公海鱿鱼钓船队规模和鱿鱼产量居世界第一位,金枪鱼延绳钓船数和金枪鱼产量居世界前列,专业秋刀渔船数量和生产能力跨入世界先进行列,南极磷虾资源开发也取得重要进展。远洋渔业企业海外发展主要通过建立功能性的海外机构,为企业开展远洋渔业生产经营活动提供相应的协调服务。根据中国商务部对外经济合... 展开



Abstract:China's first deep sea fleet,organized by the China Fisheries Corporation went to West Africa waters engaging in deep sea fishing on March 10th,1985,which opened the history and marked the official start of Chinese deep sea fishing industry.China tops the world on scale and squid production of the deep sea now.The number of tuna longline fishing vessels and the production of tuna are among the highest ones in the world.The number a... 展开

Abstract:China's first deep sea fleet,organized by the China Fisheries Corporation went to West Africa waters engaging in deep sea fishing on March 10th,1985,which opened the history and marked the official start of Chinese deep sea fishing industry.China tops the world on scale and squid production of the deep sea now.The number of tuna longline fishing vessels and the production of tuna are among the highest ones in the world.The number and production capacity of professional savannah fishing vessels have entered the world advanced ranks.The development of Antarctic krill resources has been made important progress too.The development of deep sea fishing enterprises entered overseas markets mainly by establishing functional overseas institutions,which carry out coordination services for deep sea fishing production and business activities.According to the “List of Overseas Investment Enterprises(Institutions)” published by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce of China,there are 92 fishery enterprises in China implemented foreign direct investment in 39 countries or regions since 2009 to 2015.Using econometrics analysis,we found that the outward foreign direct investment of Chinese deep sea Fishing Under the background of the “one road and one belt ” initiative ,the development of Chinese deep sea fishing enterprises's expansion to overseas market will be faster.With the increase of international competition,mergers and acquisitions may be the main way of Chinese deep sea fishing is resource-oriented.When Chinese deep sea fishery enterprises go abroad,enough attention must be paid to laws,regulations and cultures both at home and abroad.The relationship between Chinese and foreign workers should be emphasized.It is recommended that individual enterprises share their base for mutual benefits.



陈晔:陈晔(1983~ ),男,浙江镇海人,博士,上海海洋大学经济管理学院讲师,研究方向为海洋文化及经济。