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作者:刘文杰 出版日期:2018年03月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9717 字 所属丛书:教育蓝皮书 所属图书:中国教育发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:推进教育管办评分离改革是解决教育发展不平衡不充分矛盾、实现教育治理现代化的重要路径。上海市浦东新区从创新委托管理机制入手,全面系统地推进教育管办评分离改革,在划清政校职能边界、深化城乡一体化发展、探索政府购买服务、促进社会组织发育、促进民办教育良性发展、构建家校和社区合作协商制度等方面进行了有益尝试,并在实践基础上总结出“管”的关键是划界、放权和监管;“办”的关键是实现学校“依法”“自主”发展;“评”的关键是要实现评价主体多元,评价形... 展开



Abstract:Promoting the reform of the separation of management,operation and evaluation is an important way to solve the unbalanced development of education and realize the modernization of education governance.The Pudong New Area of Shanghai comprehensively and systematically promoted the reform of the separation of management,operation and evaluation,starting from the innovation of delegated management mechanism.Some beneficial attempts we... 展开

Abstract:Promoting the reform of the separation of management,operation and evaluation is an important way to solve the unbalanced development of education and realize the modernization of education governance.The Pudong New Area of Shanghai comprehensively and systematically promoted the reform of the separation of management,operation and evaluation,starting from the innovation of delegated management mechanism.Some beneficial attempts were carried out including clarifying the function boundaries of government,schools and society,deepening the integration of urban and rural areas,exploring government procurement of services,and promoting the development of social organizations,promoting healthy development of private education,and building a system of cooperation and consultation among schools,families and communities.The key to “management” is demarcation,decentralization and regulation;the key to “operation” is school independent development according to law,and the key to “evaluation” is to realize multiple evaluators,multiple forms and levels of evaluation.This article suggests that educational administrators should formulate varied strategies according to specific contexts and levels of development when expanding the pilot project nationwide.


