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作者:李国庆 袁媛 出版日期:2018年04月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17612 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年,日本少子老龄化形势进一步加剧,波及日本社会的方方面面。结婚率下降,家庭规模缩小,独居家庭及夫妇家庭增加,家庭育儿、养老压力过大;企业劳动力不足问题凸显;中间阶层缩小、低收入阶层扩大;人口向东京一极集中的趋势继续加剧。在这一背景下,“超智慧社会——社会5.0”作为一项社会政策得以确立,促进第四次工业革命的高新技术成果进入社会服务领域、破解少子老龄化带来的各种社会问题成为日本社会未来的发展目标。日本政府制定了一系列政策措施,提出利用... 展开



Abstract:In 2017,the trend of aging population with fewer children in Japan has become even more severe,which affects all aspects of Japan’s society. Marriage rate falls,the size of family shrinks and one-person household and households of only the couple increase. Parenting and kindergarten-entrance also becomes more narrow. The storage of labor force become even serious. The impoverished population increases while the middle class popula... 展开

Abstract:In 2017,the trend of aging population with fewer children in Japan has become even more severe,which affects all aspects of Japan’s society. Marriage rate falls,the size of family shrinks and one-person household and households of only the couple increase. Parenting and kindergarten-entrance also becomes more narrow. The storage of labor force become even serious. The impoverished population increases while the middle class population reduces. The trend of population concentration in Tokyo Metropolitan Circle continues to intensify. In that context,Japanese government launched the policy of “Super Smart Society—Society 5.0” in June of 2017,attempting to applying new technological achievements of the fourth industrial revolution to solving the social problems brought by the aging population with fewer children. Japanese government also implements a series of policies,including using big data to create a new medical care System,promoting work-style reforms and limiting working time and carrying out “equal pay for equal work” to reduce the gap between the treatment of regular and non-regular workers. It also works to promote the regional economic revitalization,improve the talents investment and reforming the university education system in order to alleviate the trend of population concentration in Tokyo Metropolitan Circle.




