文章摘要:当代的阿尔及利亚先后爆发了两次全国性战争,一次是1954年爆发的反法战争,即阿尔及利亚独立战争;一次是1991年发生的内战,即政府军与“伊斯兰拯救阵线”之间的武装冲突。这两场战争对阿尔及利亚的国家建设、社会环境、经济发展和政治格局等产生了深远影响。阿尔及利亚女性既是战争的参与者,又是战争的受害者,她们致力于改善和提高自身社会地位的努力也贯穿其中。内战结束以来,阿尔及利亚女性的社会地位有了显著提高,分别表现在家庭地位、受教育程度、就业范围和参政... 展开
Abstract:There were two wars that broke out in contemporary Algeria:one was the Algerian Independence War started in 1954 against French and the other one was the Algerian Civil War which was an armed conflict between the Algerian government and various Islamic rebel groups which began in 1991. The influence of these two wars continues to permeate into nation building,social environment,economic development and political structure of Algeri... 展开