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作者:曾向红 陈明霞 出版日期:2018年02月 报告页数:31 页 报告大小: 报告字数:36014 字 所属图书:中东研究 2017年第2期(总第6期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为中东地区的传统大国,沙特和伊朗在地区事务中的对抗广泛而持久,也门内战便是双方博弈的一个重要场域。本文从博弈论视角出发,尝试分析沙特和伊朗在干预也门内战过程中的战略互动,并对双方特定策略选择背后的决策逻辑做出解释。通过构建“胆小鬼博弈”模型,本文对沙特和伊朗在也门内战中的互动过程进行分析,建立“策略”和“收益”,并计算博弈结果。本文以2015年4月21日沙特宣布停止在也门的空袭为时间节点,将沙特和伊朗两国在也门内战中的博弈过程划分为两个阶... 展开



Abstract:As two traditional powers in the Middle East,the disagreement and confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran is quiet extensive and lasting. For example,the civil war in Yemen is an important competing field between these two states. The paper tries to analyze the strategic interactions between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the Yemen civil war and find out their logics of decision-making based on the “Chicken Game” model. The paper ar... 展开

Abstract:As two traditional powers in the Middle East,the disagreement and confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran is quiet extensive and lasting. For example,the civil war in Yemen is an important competing field between these two states. The paper tries to analyze the strategic interactions between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the Yemen civil war and find out their logics of decision-making based on the “Chicken Game” model. The paper argues that the interaction process between Saudi Arabia and Iran process on the issue of Yemen civil war can be divided into two stages,by the time when Saudi Arabia announced stop air strikes on Yemen in April 21,2015. Saudi Arabia adopted a “tough” strategy while Iran chose the “weak” strategy and Saudi Arabia became the “winner” in the first stage;nevertheless,these two states took the “weak” strategy and there is no “winner” in the second stage. According this analysis,we can find out Iran adopted an opportunistic attitude towards the Yemen civil war,and Saudi Arabia has a pragmatic logic behind its strategy. This paper can help to grasp the situations and future of Yemen civil war more accurately and may provide some inspiration for us to understand the strategic interactions between external powers on the internal conflict of a third country.




