文章摘要:西藏自治区在我国“一带一路”倡议中占据重要地位。“一带一路”倡议对内和对外的双重内涵决定了西藏融入“一带一路”建设有对内发展和对外开放两个方向。西藏的发展与开放是大势所趋,不可逆转。但同时,西藏也是重要的国家安全屏障、重要的生态安全屏障、重要的战略资源储备基地、重要的中华民族特色文化保护地,是我国同西方敌对势力和境内外敌对势力、分裂势力斗争的前沿,因此西藏在发展与开放过程中不得不面对一些国际战略与安全问题。因此,西藏融入“一带一路”建... 展开
Abstract:Tibet Autonomous Region plays an important role in the “Belt and Road Initiative”. The BRI’s both internal and external implications determine that Tibet’s involvement in the BRI has two directions:domestic economic integration and opening to the outside world. The development and opening-up of Tibet is a trend that is irreversible. However,Tibet has to face a series of international strategic and security challenges in its exte... 展开