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作者:陈向阳 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15350 字 所属丛书:国际安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际安全研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:国际格局多极化进入多层化阶段,当今世界七大力量中心分属三个层次,中国被视为“世界第二”。各方为争取更有利地位竞相强化国家安全战略运筹,深化战略调整。美国为维持霸权力求兼顾非传统与传统安全挑战,地缘战略重点加速转向亚太,领域安全侧重网空与气候。俄罗斯实施新版国家安全战略,直面北约与美国挑战,对外进取性与地缘拓展更加突出。日本安倍政权顽固推行右倾化,谋求政治军事大国目标,“倚美抗中”更加固化。西方与新兴大国博弈更激烈,竞争面明显扩大。美俄... 展开



Abstract:A multilayered multipolar international order has been established. Seven major powers are divided into three categories,China being in the second category. States are strengthening and adjusting their security strategies in a bid to gain a more favorable power status. To safeguard its hegemonic leadership,the U.S. attaches equal importance to non-traditional and traditional security challenges and is shifting its geo-strategic focu... 展开

Abstract:A multilayered multipolar international order has been established. Seven major powers are divided into three categories,China being in the second category. States are strengthening and adjusting their security strategies in a bid to gain a more favorable power status. To safeguard its hegemonic leadership,the U.S. attaches equal importance to non-traditional and traditional security challenges and is shifting its geo-strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region and its regional security focus to cyberspace and climate change. Russia is implementing a new security strategy,posing a major challenge for NATO and the U.S.,and Russian foreign policy and geostrategy are far more aggressive than before. In Japan,the Abe administration continues to adopt an unwavering right-leaning policy,and shore up its alliance with the U.S. against China,aiming to become a political and military superpower. The contestation between the West and the emerging powers is becoming increasingly intense. Enmity between Washington and Moscow has intensified. The alliance forged between the United States and Europe to corner Russia is not as strong as they wish it could be. The power struggle between China and the United States is becoming more intense as the United States joins hands with Japan in an attempt to curb the rising of China. Western powers huddle up together closer while China and Russia join hands to exert influence on relations between emerging powers. Despite its rising global might,China is faced with complex challenges.


