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作者:李欣 吕子态 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:37 页 报告大小: 报告字数:33776 字 所属丛书:华侨华人蓝皮书 所属图书:华侨华人研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:缅甸华侨华人的历史及分布影响了当下缅甸华文教育的格局,缅甸华文学校的发展至今已逾百年,其间几经波折,缅甸华人充分发挥聪明才智、调动各种资源,使得缅甸华文教育的火种得以保存并传承至今,并呈现多元化的发展态势。果文学校、孔教学校、语言电脑学校、私立学校、师范学校和寺庙学校教学点等成为典型的华文学校类型。当前,这些学校或多或少都面临学校正规化、教材标准化、教师专业化等三大问题,这些问题的产生具有复杂的原因,在当前现有的条件下,也可发现一些可... 展开



Abstract:The fate of overseas Chinese in Myanmar and their distribution influenced its Chinese education. The Chinese schools in Myanmar can be dated back to 100 years ago and had gone through ups and downs. The overseas Chinese in Myanmar utilized their intelligence and all sorts of resources to make Chinese schools survive all the hardships. By now,some Chinese schools have been very successful and influential,and emerged as representative... 展开

Abstract:The fate of overseas Chinese in Myanmar and their distribution influenced its Chinese education. The Chinese schools in Myanmar can be dated back to 100 years ago and had gone through ups and downs. The overseas Chinese in Myanmar utilized their intelligence and all sorts of resources to make Chinese schools survive all the hardships. By now,some Chinese schools have been very successful and influential,and emerged as representative of its kind. Such schools are Guowen schools,Confucius schools,language and computer schools,private schools,schools in mountain regions,teacher preparation school and monastic schools. All the schools are faced with the problems on accreditation from government,standardization of textbooks,and professionalization of teachers. In the background of the Road and Belt initiative,the Chinese schools in Myanmar may have great opportunities,but given the complicated political upheavals and racial disputes,Chinese schools may embrace both hopes and hardships.



