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作者:丁波涛 出版日期:2017年10月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11679 字 所属丛书:全球信息社会蓝皮书 所属图书:全球信息社会发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着我国的信息化发展水平不断升高,市场逐步趋于饱和,同时中国经济下行压力不断增大,未来的中国信息产业必将走出国门、走向世界。中国信息技术企业“走出去”大致经历了三个阶段,一是“探索期”,主要是在发达国家设立研发中心,利用他国技术力量;二是“拓展期”,以发达国家和“金砖国家”为重点开拓海外市场;三是“突破期”,聚焦东南亚、南亚和中东欧等“一带一路”沿线国家,重点是通信设备制造和数字经济。从中国网络通信服务、电子信息制造和互联网等行业案例... 展开



Abstract:With the great progress of China's information technology,as well as China's economic downward pressure continues to increase,more and more Chinese ICTs companies will go abroad in the future.Chinese ICT companies' “going abroad” has gone through three stages,including exploration,expansion and breakthrough.The case analysis of China's network communications services,electronic information manufacturing and Internet industry sh... 展开

Abstract:With the great progress of China's information technology,as well as China's economic downward pressure continues to increase,more and more Chinese ICTs companies will go abroad in the future.Chinese ICT companies' “going abroad” has gone through three stages,including exploration,expansion and breakthrough.The case analysis of China's network communications services,electronic information manufacturing and Internet industry shows that China has gain a great progress in ICTs industry Internationalization.In some B&R countries,Chinese ICTs enterprises have become the main local communications Equipment provider,or the leading brand of mobile phones and Internet services At the same time,Chinese ICTs enterprises are facing a lot of political,market,cultural barriers in internationalization,while Chinese enterprises are also lack of experience and other issues.In the future the Chinese government should take the ICTs industry internationalization as an important part of the B&R Initiative,while Chinese ICTs companies should increase international development capabilities and take measures to reduce market resistance.


