文章摘要:中国对太平洋岛国开展医疗卫生援助具有重要意义。一方面因该区域国家处于中国“21世纪海上丝绸之路”南线建设的重要节点地区;另一方面医疗卫生援助作为一种低敏感度、更具人道主义色彩的援助方式,有助于中国“一带一路”倡议“五通”中的“民心相通”。因而,中国在医援太平洋岛国工作上保持已有成果并将其进一步完善,势必有助于为中-太关系发展奠定良好的民意基础与社会基础。本文将在介绍中国医援太平洋岛国情况的基础上,总结中国对岛国医疗卫生援助工作的正反两方... 展开
Abstract:There are some significant reasons why China provide health aid to Pacific Island Countries:On the one hand,those countries are located in an important node area of Southern Leg of the 21st century Maritime Silk Road;On the other hand,health aid as a low sensitivity,more humanitarian way of foreign aid,is beneficial for fostering ‘people to people bond’,which is the five major goals of ‘One Belt One Road’ strategy.Hence,to... 展开