文章摘要:2008年4月签署的中新双边自由贸易协定是中国和西方发达国家签署的第一个自贸协定,中新两国政府对此寄予厚望。教育合作是中新双边关系的重要组成部分和合作亮点之一,本文通过对2008年以来中新两国政府的公开资料和现有学术文献研究,剖析了中新自贸协定签署以来双边教育交流的合作成果、机遇和挑战,并提出相关建议。本文认为,中新自贸协定对两国教育合作发挥了显著的引领和推动作用,双边教育合作取得了引人瞩目的成果。同时,对中新两国教育合作中可能面临的一些挑战... 展开
Abstract:China and New Zealand are in high hopes for the Bilateral Free Trade Agreement,which was signed in April,2008 and marked the first free trade agreement between China and western developed countries.Education cooperation is an integral and highlighted part of the bilateral relations between China and New Zealand.By analysing public government documents and news reports since 2008 and literature review,this paper will explore the ach... 展开