文章摘要:2017年新西兰大选将在9月底举行,国家党将向第4个执政期发起冲击,而两大中左党派——工党与绿党也于最近首次结成竞选同盟,意在挑战国家党的强势地位。因此,本文的首要任务,即及时追踪整理2017年新西兰大选最新进展,并综合各方民调,预测大选结果与新西兰公共政策未来走向。同时,新西兰华人在2017年大选中的表现也值得关注。目前国会已有两位华人议员,华人在新西兰政治生活中所扮演的角色已越发重要。因此,华人投票意向以及参政情况也是本文所要探讨的核心问题之一。 展开
Abstract:The 2017 New Zealand general election is scheduled to be held on 23 September 2017 to determine the membership of the 52nd New Zealand Parliament.In this election,the National Party will run for a 4th ruling term.Meanwhile,Labour have established a political alliance with Green to challenge National.Therefore,the priority of this research is to keep abreast of advances in the General Election,2017.We will predict the election resu... 展开