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作者:王辉 周雪 出版日期:2017年09月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12641 字 所属丛书:“一带一路”文化交流蓝皮书 所属图书:中阿文化交流发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中阿友好合作源远流长,中国自汉武帝时期与阿拉伯国家开启了友好交往的先河,双方在政治、经济、贸易和文化等领域建立了全方位合作关系。从文化层面看,中阿文化交流是以儒家文明为代表的中国传统文化和以伊斯兰教为代表的阿拉伯文化友好合作的典范,增进了国家之间、民族之间的友谊。对中阿文化交流史的梳理,对于进一步加强双方在新的历史条件下的相互理解与信任、增加共识、加强合作,进而提升中阿文明交往的深度与广度具有现实意义。 2016年是“十三五”的开局之年,... 展开

文章摘要:中阿友好合作源远流长,中国自汉武帝时期与阿拉伯国家开启了友好交往的先河,双方在政治、经济、贸易和文化等领域建立了全方位合作关系。从文化层面看,中阿文化交流是以儒家文明为代表的中国传统文化和以伊斯兰教为代表的阿拉伯文化友好合作的典范,增进了国家之间、民族之间的友谊。对中阿文化交流史的梳理,对于进一步加强双方在新的历史条件下的相互理解与信任、增加共识、加强合作,进而提升中阿文明交往的深度与广度具有现实意义。 2016年是“十三五”的开局之年,也是中阿开启外交关系60年的重要时期,中阿文化交流主动服务于国家“一带一路”倡议尤为重要。中国和阿拉伯国家的共同努力,不断寻求中阿文化深入交流的突破口,共同构建中阿文化深入交流的新格局,在巩固中阿友好合作的基础的同时,也推动了中阿文化的深入交流。


Abstract:The friendship and communication between China and the Arab countries have gone through a long history since Han Wudi’s reign(the Seventh Emperor of Han Dynasty),with the establishment of an all-round bilateral relationship in politics,economy,trade and culture. Culturally,Sino-Arab communication combines Confucianism as the traditional Chinese culture with Islamism as the typical Arabian culture,which greatly promotes the fri... 展开

Abstract:The friendship and communication between China and the Arab countries have gone through a long history since Han Wudi’s reign(the Seventh Emperor of Han Dynasty),with the establishment of an all-round bilateral relationship in politics,economy,trade and culture. Culturally,Sino-Arab communication combines Confucianism as the traditional Chinese culture with Islamism as the typical Arabian culture,which greatly promotes the friendship between two sides. Therefore,it is realistic to review this section of history since it is quite significant in strengthening the two cultures’ mutual trust,adding agreement,consolidating cooperation,promoting and expanding the tie between us in this historical context.As the first year of the 13th Five-year Plan,2016 is an important time for China andthe Arab countries to establish diplomatic relations for 60 years. It is particularly important for Sino-Arab cultural communication to serve the national initiative “The Belt and Road”. China and the Arab countries work together to continuously seek breakthrough for the development of their in-depth cultural communication,building their new patterns,consolidating the basis of Sino-Arab friendly cooperation,as well as promoting the deepening of the bilateral cultural communication.



