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作者:陈建新 刘昱初 李楠 ChanKinSun 出版日期:2017年07月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13300 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着澳门经济出现波动,澳门社会对澳门社会保障体系的发展都有怀疑。尽管特区政府在这方面已做了不少工作,但是社保供款比例仍引起社会颇多的争议。本文便对已发展经济体系的社保供款比例进行比较分析,并对在2015年进行的澳门居民的电话调查结果进行分析。其实已发展地区的社保供款比例是没有统一标准的,反而整体供款越高,雇主的承担便越高。而澳门居民对体系可持续性观感越低,便对体系越不满意,所以特区政府应该把握时机,推动体系的改革。中国内地已进行了“统账结... 展开



Abstract:According to recent recession of Macau's economy,some residents would doubt the sustainability of Macau public pension system,even though Macau SAR Government has already introduced various measures,including voluntary central provident fund,diversifying the financing mechanism and increasing the“symbolic”contribution amount of public pension system,to convert Macau's public pension into a long-term sustainable system.The publi... 展开

Abstract:According to recent recession of Macau's economy,some residents would doubt the sustainability of Macau public pension system,even though Macau SAR Government has already introduced various measures,including voluntary central provident fund,diversifying the financing mechanism and increasing the“symbolic”contribution amount of public pension system,to convert Macau's public pension into a long-term sustainable system.The public's doubt also triggers the argument over contribution ratio between employer and employee.For the sake of exploring the issue of building sustainable public pension system and the contribution arrangement,the paper is to analyse the contribution arrangement of OCED countries and to use the results of 2015 telephone survey of Macau residents' opinion on Macau's public pension system.According to patterns of the contribution arrangement of OCED countries,there is no unified contribution arrangement,but the higher total contribution would lead to higher employers' contribution rates over employees'.The finding could echo Macau's employers' concern about the trend. Macau Government can reference to Mainland China's public pension system for integration between Macau and Mainland China,as well as,she can develop retirement finance market for industrial diversification and ease the issue of“Asset Rich,Cash Poor”.




