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作者:郭锐 苏红红 出版日期:2017年09月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14635 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛(总第三十二辑,2016年第二辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年初朝鲜先后进行了自称“氢弹试验”的第四次核试验并发射“光明星4号”卫星。在此背景下,美韩同盟展开了新一轮的更强力度、更大广度、更深程度的再强化举措。美韩在韩国部署“萨德”反导系统(THAAD)的政策举动,引起周边国家尤其是中、俄、朝三国的强烈质疑和反对。美韩同盟确立后具有鲜明的军事特征。近年来朝鲜半岛形势和东北亚局势的剧烈变动,使韩国强化与美国同盟关系的意愿更加强烈。美韩同盟向涉及政治、经济、非传统安全等领域的全方位战略同盟转变,其地... 展开



Abstract:In early 2016,North Korea conducted a fourth nuclear bomb test,namely the self-claimed “Hydrogen Bomb Test”,and launched a “Bright Star No.4” Satellite,against which background the US-ROK Alliance moved into a new round of reinforcement with greater strength,depth,and width.The deployment of THAAD in South Korea received strong criticisms and oppositions from neighbouring countries,especially China,Russia,and North Korea.... 展开

Abstract:In early 2016,North Korea conducted a fourth nuclear bomb test,namely the self-claimed “Hydrogen Bomb Test”,and launched a “Bright Star No.4” Satellite,against which background the US-ROK Alliance moved into a new round of reinforcement with greater strength,depth,and width.The deployment of THAAD in South Korea received strong criticisms and oppositions from neighbouring countries,especially China,Russia,and North Korea.The US-ROK Alliance has strong military characteristics.The dramatic changes in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia had led to a stronger will on the part of South Korea to strengthen its alliance with the US.This Alliance is changing towards an all-round strategic alliance that involves such areas as politics,economy,and non-traditional security.It has a clear region-specific orientation with a global vision,which may increase the risk of arm race for the whole region,rendering it increasingly vulnerable to newer and greater regional insecurity.China should formulate policy measures as an effective response to the changes in the international situation,for purpose of defending its own national core interests and promoting stability in the Korean Peninsula,as well as the peaceful development of the whole region.



