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作者:冀开运 出版日期:2017年07月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12907 字 所属图书:中东问题研究 2016年第2期(总第4期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:巴基斯坦的俾路支省的逊尼派和什叶派之间,俾路支人和哈扎拉人之间互相仇视,恐怖活动日益猖獗。表层原因在于巴基斯坦各级政府软弱无力;深层原因在于国家和社会伊斯兰化诱发的宗派意识,什叶派哈扎拉族地主对逊尼派贫农的盘剥。阿富汗战乱导致哈扎拉人涌入俾路支省,伊朗伊斯兰革命刺激了哈扎拉族什叶派的宗教政治意识,塔利班的崛起和发展刺激了逊尼派的激进化,哈扎拉人和俾路支人对当地生存和发展资源的争夺,是双方恐怖组织互相仇恨和伤害的现实基础。严重的内部冲突... 展开



Abstract:In Pakistan’s Baluchistan province,because of mutual hostility and strife between Sunni and Shiite,the Baluch and the Hazara,The terrorist activities have become increasingly rampant. the surface reason is that levels of government of Pakistan are too weak to protect civil security,deep-seated reasons are that the Islamization of state and society has improved sectarian sense;the landlords of the Hazara belonged to Shiite have e... 展开

Abstract:In Pakistan’s Baluchistan province,because of mutual hostility and strife between Sunni and Shiite,the Baluch and the Hazara,The terrorist activities have become increasingly rampant. the surface reason is that levels of government of Pakistan are too weak to protect civil security,deep-seated reasons are that the Islamization of state and society has improved sectarian sense;the landlords of the Hazara belonged to Shiite have exploited Sunni farmers;the war in Afghanistan led to the influx of Hazaras into Baluchistan;the Iranian Islamic revolution has stimulated religious and political consciousness of the Hazaras;the Taliban’s rise and development has stimulated radicalization of Sunni;local competitions between Hazaras and Baluchs in order to get much more resources for survival and development. Mutual hatreds and hurts of both sides of terrorist organization are the real basis of serious internal conflict,which have removed motivation and ability of local social and economic development. Local ethnic groups have been aware of their mistakes and begin to correct its own errors,but the road to achieve national reconciliation and unity is far away.


