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作者:李小卫 出版日期:2016年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12371 字 所属图书:阿拉伯研究论丛 2016年第1期(总第3期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:自“阿拉伯之春”爆发以来,叙利亚危机持续发展,不但国内面临诸多严峻问题,也成为周边国家和世界大国博弈的舞台。身处“旋涡”的叙利亚的局势如何发展,对叙利亚自身、阿拉伯世界和中东地区乃至全世界的国际格局和形势都有着牵一发而动全身的影响。作为连接亚、欧、非三大洲的桥梁,叙利亚自古就有“中东心脏”之称。同时,叙利亚又与中东地区的其他周边国家和阿拉伯国家在民族、宗教、意识形态等方面有着错综复杂且深刻的纠葛,在巴以和谈、伊拉克问题、打击恐怖主义问... 展开



Abstract:Syria since the “Arabia spring” so far,after nearly 5 years of development,is facing many serious problems,and meanwhile has become the game stage between the neighboring countries and the world powers. The development of Syria in the “whirlpool” will has a far-reaching influence to Syria,the world of Arabia and the middle east even the global international situation. As a bridge connecting three continents:Asia,Europe and A... 展开

Abstract:Syria since the “Arabia spring” so far,after nearly 5 years of development,is facing many serious problems,and meanwhile has become the game stage between the neighboring countries and the world powers. The development of Syria in the “whirlpool” will has a far-reaching influence to Syria,the world of Arabia and the middle east even the global international situation. As a bridge connecting three continents:Asia,Europe and Africa,Syria since ancient times was “the heart of the Middle East”. At the same time,Syria and other neighboring Arab countries in Middle East has a complex and profound intertwined in ethnic,religious and ideological. In several major hot issues of the region,such as the Israeli Palestinian peace talks,Iraq,the fighting against terrorism,to the Iranian nuclear issue,Kurdish ethnic problems,Syria is extremely important and indispensable participants. The solution to the crisis in Syria,not only concerns the fundamental interests of Syria people,but to the entire regional and global peace and stability.


