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作者:杨伯江 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:31 页 报告大小: 报告字数:32834 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年,自民党赢得第24届参议院选举,时隔27年再度掌控过半数席位,政治优势扩大。“修宪势力”占据参议院2/3以上席位,启动修宪程序首次具备了现实可能性。自民党修改党章,延长总裁任期,为安倍晋三2018年两届总裁任期届满后继续竞选总裁、实现“超长期执政”创造条件。2016年日本正式实施新安保法,扩大自卫队海外维和任务范围,借主场外交抢夺国际话语权,着力推动海上通道外交、军事外交,谋求以日俄、日韩双边关系改善撬动地区多边格局,扭转周边不利局面,但也遭... 展开



Abstract:In the year 2016,Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) has secured the dominance of Japanese Diet by wining the Senate election after a lapse of twenty-seven years,which for the first time facilitates the procedure of revising Japanese constitution,with constitutional revisionists as the majority of the Senate. By revising the party constitution and extending the term of the party president,LDP has paved the way for Shinzo Abe ... 展开

Abstract:In the year 2016,Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) has secured the dominance of Japanese Diet by wining the Senate election after a lapse of twenty-seven years,which for the first time facilitates the procedure of revising Japanese constitution,with constitutional revisionists as the majority of the Senate. By revising the party constitution and extending the term of the party president,LDP has paved the way for Shinzo Abe to be elected as president after 2018 and maintain the long-term administration. In 2016,Japan implemented the new security bills,extending the peace-keeping mission overseas of Japan Self-Defense Force(JSDF),promoting the diplomacy of maritime channels,the military diplomacy as well as its regional diplomacy through strengthening relations with South and Russia. However,in the context of “the Duterte Shock” and “the Trump Shock”,Japan has also encountered a series of frustration. In 2016,there is a growing trend for the dual characteristics for Sino-Japanese relations,with both the improvement of bilateral relations and new changes of conflicts and friction particularly in issues of East and South China Seas. Japan’s intervention in South China Sea in a high profile has made the bilateral relations even more complicated. In 2017,faced with great uncertainty of international situation,Japan will insist on its national strategy of becoming a great power and the strategic transformation with breakthroughs in political and military issues,in order to improve its self-defense capability and independency of diplomacy. Meanwhile,there will be also adjustment for Japan in terms of its economic strategy overseas,which includes multilateral and regional cooperation in East Asia.



