文章摘要:近年来交叉性金融产品的爆发式增长迅速地改变着金融体系的运行格局,日益成为影响我国金融系统性、稳定性的显著因素,亟须完善与之相匹配的功能性监管架构和动态监测指标体系。其中对交叉性金融产品的统计指标体系选取、数据质量控制、标准设定和数据搜集与处理程序是推进相应功能性金融监管的薄弱环节。本文通过梳理美国对交叉性金融产品监管的制度变革历程,围绕美国金融研究办公室的数据搜集、数据标准制定和数据分析三大核心运营职责、工作机制与实际工作成效,以及相... 展开
Abstract:The explosive growth of cross-cutting financial products has rapidly changed the operating pattern of the financial system and has become a significant factor affecting the stability of China’s financial system in recent years. It is urgent to improve the functional regulatory framework and dynamic supervision index system. The selection of statistical index system,data quality control,quantity standard setting,data collection and... 展开