文章摘要:2016年信托业的经营与监管环境都趋于稳定。相比行业内的平淡无奇,金融同业监管环境发生了重大变化。以防风险与去杠杆为基调的金融监管政策在同业中逐渐展开。这种外部环境变化一方面改善了信托业务的同业竞争环境,另一方面也可能面临紧缩效应的传导。这种同业监管动态有望延续到2017年,甚至可能出现针对信托业务的防风险和去杠杆问题。2016年,信托业开始在税收制度上迎来“营改增”试点。同年《慈善法》的出台有助于推动慈善信托的发展。2016年信托业年会上的相关讲话... 展开
Abstract:In 2016,the operation and supervision environment of trust industry became stable. On contrast,Great changes have taken place in the supervision environment of other financial industry. The emphasis of new supervision measures was put on controlling risk and deleverage. There will be two kind of effects of these changes. One is the improvement of inter-industries competition situation. The other is the conduction of contractionary e... 展开