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作者:冯立君 出版日期:2016年12月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21831 字 所属图书:西北民族论丛(第十四辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:从渤海国与欧亚东部世界的多元外交视角,能够更为超脱地观察渤海与新罗关系的特点。在唐朝看来,渤海国和新罗都属于其藩臣,唐设置“押新罗渤海两蕃使”的初衷便是管理渤海与新罗“两蕃”事务。渤海国主要京、府的设置,与其最重要的对外联络交通道有着密切联系,这些京、府所对应的交通道分别是:东京龙原府的“日本道”,西京鸭绿府的“朝贡道”,长岭府的“营州道”,扶余府的“契丹道”,南京南海府的“新罗道”,以及上京龙泉府以北的“黑水靺鞨道”。通过辐射状的陆... 展开



Abstract:From the perspective of Muliti-diplomacy the Bohai Kingdom in the world of Eastern Eurasia,we have more freedom to observe the characteristics of bilateral relations between Bohai and Silla. Through domestic major cities(Jing and Fu),Bohai established smooth transportation network and diplomatic relations with neighboring countries. Relationship between the Bohai Kingdom and Silla,has evolved from the canonization relations,peac... 展开

Abstract:From the perspective of Muliti-diplomacy the Bohai Kingdom in the world of Eastern Eurasia,we have more freedom to observe the characteristics of bilateral relations between Bohai and Silla. Through domestic major cities(Jing and Fu),Bohai established smooth transportation network and diplomatic relations with neighboring countries. Relationship between the Bohai Kingdom and Silla,has evolved from the canonization relations,peaceful contacts and diplomatic competition and even to war relations,showing the complex changes,repeated cross and multi-faceted. Bohai and Silla has been regarded as “Northern and Southern Dynasties” by DPRK and ROK. This understanding of history is a long-term accumulation and inherited result,it stems from the realistic considerations of the northern territory and historical imagination in Chosun Dynasty era,as well as the Modern History Writing National History. Bohai’s own records show that the distinctive character of “self-esteem” consciousness,the so-called Silla “cognate consciousness” have no direct evidence. The more archaeological data publish timely and more international academic dialogue East Asian scholars engaged in,the richer detail of Bohai’s foreign relations will be found in the future.


