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作者:罗浩 黄富文 出版日期:2017年03月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18420 字 所属图书:当代港澳研究(2015年第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:博彩旅游业主导了澳门经济,但澳门的博彩旅游业客源单一,过度依赖内地游客,易受内地政策环境的影响。国际化有助于澳门博彩旅游业开拓多元化市场,分散市场风险,但澳门受自身条件的限制,国际化发展存在诸多障碍。学术界关于澳门博彩旅游业国际化的研究十分罕见,本文提供了一个初步的尝试研究。本文首先分析了澳门博彩旅游业国际化发展的现状及其面临的问题和障碍,继而总结和评价了两个国际化博彩旅游城市——拉斯维加斯与新加坡的国际化经验与启示。接下来,本文在PE... 展开



Abstract:Nowadays,gambling industry is the core industry in Macau. Approximately 80% Macau’s government financial revenues are from the gambling taxation. The Chinese tourist is one of the most important sources for Macau,but some policies from mainland China control the tourist to come to Macau,which has a great effect on the tourism and gambling industry. Actually,as we all know,the economy of Macau is developed by the tourism and gamb... 展开

Abstract:Nowadays,gambling industry is the core industry in Macau. Approximately 80% Macau’s government financial revenues are from the gambling taxation. The Chinese tourist is one of the most important sources for Macau,but some policies from mainland China control the tourist to come to Macau,which has a great effect on the tourism and gambling industry. Actually,as we all know,the economy of Macau is developed by the tourism and gambling industry. Internationalization can help Macau to expand the market,however due to the limitations of Macau such as space and economic structure,the development of internationalization has a poor influence.There are a few researches about the international development of Macau. This article believes international development can break the restriction of Macau’s social environment limitations,and diversified development is the vital method to improve the economic structure. Combined the PEST model and globalization as well as demography these two factors,this article constructs the GDPEST model to analysis the external environment and the trend of global development. With the benefits of the author’s working experiences in gaming industry and government,this article will try to use some theories and practices to research the obstructions of diversified development in Macau. Moreover,it is found that with the economic development of Macau,international development is an inevitable outcome and diversified development is an important method.



