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作者:蔡亮 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19822 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:TPP对日本农业的影响有直接和间接之分,前者意味着日本农业不能再依赖财政补贴和贸易保护,后者意指TPP为安倍内阁提供了一个从外部倒逼日本农业进行结构改革的契机。虽然TPP已然胎死腹中,但日本农业所面临的结构性窘境并未缓解,而且原有的生产方式如果不改变,在日欧EPA和未来可能的日美EPA等FTA谈判中,农业问题仍是日本的软肋,因此安倍内阁的农业结构改革政策也仍在有条不紊地推进着。其改革一方面是因应多边自由贸易协定对日本农业的冲击而提出的对策,另一方面则彰... 展开



Abstract:The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP)has direct and indirect impact on Japanese agriculture. As for the direct influence,it means that Japanese agriculture can no longer rely on governmental subsidies and trade protection. As for the indirect effect,TPP provides an opportunity for the Abe administration to promote the structural reform in agriculture. Although TPP has been aborted,Japan’s agriculture is still faced with s... 展开

Abstract:The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP)has direct and indirect impact on Japanese agriculture. As for the direct influence,it means that Japanese agriculture can no longer rely on governmental subsidies and trade protection. As for the indirect effect,TPP provides an opportunity for the Abe administration to promote the structural reform in agriculture. Although TPP has been aborted,Japan’s agriculture is still faced with severe structural dilemma. Japan will be at the weak position in the FTA negotiations with EU and U.S. if the original mode of production does not change. The ongoing structural reform in agriculture under the Abe administration is designed to respond to the impact of multilateral free trade agreements on Japanese agriculture,and it also aims at building an “offensive” agriculture that makes Japanese agricultural products more competitive in the international market,which requires the promotion of scale economy and industrialization of agriculture. Besides,the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives(JA),which provides the political guarantee for the traditional agricultural production,also becomes an integral part of the reform.


