文章摘要:2016年,日中贸易总额为2748亿美元,较上年同比减少1.3%,日本对华直接投资较上年同比减少3.1%,为31亿美元。虽然贸易和投资维持减少基调,企业扩大事业规模的意愿也呈下降倾向,但日中经济关系触底的征兆更加明显。日本贸易振兴机构(JETRO)的问卷调查结果显示,选择回答未来将“扩大”在华事业规模的日资企业的占比从2015年的38.1%略升至40.1%。日中两国的贸易结构依然具有互补性,致力于开拓中国市场的日资企业的投资意愿也没有降低。近期日中企业的合作已扩展至制造... 展开
Abstract:In the year 2016,the Sino-Japanese trade volume fell by 1.3% to 74.8 billion dollar and Japan’s FDI to China decreased by 3.1% to 3.1 billion dollars. With the trade volume and investment reducing and the desire of enterprises for further business cooperation declining,there are still obvious signs for the recovery of Sino-Japanese economic relations. According to the questionnaire survey conducted by JETRO,Japanese enterprises,w... 展开