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作者:〔日〕汤元健治 田正 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12116 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“安倍经济学”实施四年以来,在微观和宏观经济领域表现出不同的政策效果。微观上企业收益扩大,就业情况改善,而宏观上经济增速迟缓,消费者物价指数持续走低。日本的人口老龄化、人口减少问题日益严峻,私人消费及设备投资下降,日本内需严重不足。特朗普上台后,世界政治、经济局势更加复杂,对日本经济发展形成了新的挑战。日本银行所主导的非传统货币政策摆脱通货紧缩效果有限,至今仍未实现2%的物价增长目标。日本唯有加大增长战略的实施范围与力度,才能提高潜在经... 展开



Abstract:Abenomics has launched and implemented for four years,and it has different policy effects in micro and macro economies. As for its microeconomic effect,the income of enterprises and employment has improved. As for its macroeconomic effect,the economic growth rate still remains low and the consumer price index(CPI)continues to decline. The serious problem of aging population in Japan has led to the decline of private consumption a... 展开

Abstract:Abenomics has launched and implemented for four years,and it has different policy effects in micro and macro economies. As for its microeconomic effect,the income of enterprises and employment has improved. As for its macroeconomic effect,the economic growth rate still remains low and the consumer price index(CPI)continues to decline. The serious problem of aging population in Japan has led to the decline of private consumption and equipment investment,as well as the weak domestic demand. Since Trump came to power,the world political and economic situation have become even more complicated,which brings new challenge to Japanese economic development. The non-conventional monetary policy led by the Bank of Japan(BOJ)has limited effect on getting rid of deflation,and has not achieved the goal of the 2% growth of CPI. It is urgent for Japan to extend the scope and power of its growth strategy in order to improve the potential growth rate and maintain the momentum of economic recovery.




