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作者:邹文杰 戴双兴 出版日期:2017年04月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18290 字 所属丛书:福建自贸区蓝皮书 所属图书:中国(福建)自由贸易试验区发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:自贸试验区正加快转变贸易监管方式,推进以实现贸易便利化为目的的改革进程,在发展离岸贸易、融资租赁、期货保税交割、跨境电子商务等新型贸易业态等方面都推出了一系列创新举措。我国四大自贸试验区共用同一份负面清单,新的负面清单在原有基础上降低了外商投资准入限制,以便在更大程度上开放投资领域,其中,自贸试验区中央层面投资核准事项减少近八成,并规定除特殊情况外,境外投资项目的核准事项全部取消。伴随着金融创新举措的不断推出,自贸试验区内开放型经济的... 展开



Abstract:Free-trade area is to accelerate the transformation of the mode of trade regulation and promote the reform process, to achieve convenient trade into the purpose of the development of the offshore trade, financing lease, the futures bonded delivery, cross-border e-commerce and other new trade forms and so on are introduced a series of initiatives.China's four major free-trade area to share the same negative list, new negative listing o... 展开

Abstract:Free-trade area is to accelerate the transformation of the mode of trade regulation and promote the reform process, to achieve convenient trade into the purpose of the development of the offshore trade, financing lease, the futures bonded delivery, cross-border e-commerce and other new trade forms and so on are introduced a series of initiatives.China's four major free-trade area to share the same negative list, new negative listing on the basis of the original reduces the foreign investment access restrictions, in order to more open investment areas, among them, the free trade area of the central level investment fell by almost eighty percent approval items, and in addition to the special circumstances, the approval of overseas investment projects the abolition of all matters.With the roll out of financial innovation, free trade of the open economy booming in the test area, such as cross-border syndicated, cross-border investment, financial business grew rapidly and structural forward to written, foreign exchange options and safety protection products and derivatives based on precious metals such as gold mark rapidly emerging, to build a set for the free trade area from onshore business, local integration and the interest rate marketization of exchange rate as a whole, with the international financial market is highly financial environment.



邹文杰:男,1974年生,福建宁德人。现为福建师范大学经济学院教授,硕士生导师,博士后,福建师范大学福建自贸区综合研究院产业组召集人。先后在福建师范大学获得法学硕士学位,在厦门大学获得经济学博士学位,东吴大学商学院访问学者。主要研究方向为公共资源配置优化问题,主持国家社科基金项目、教育部人文社科项目、福建省软科学项目等课题多项,完成福建省发展和改革委员会等政府部门委托课题及专项规划十余项;在Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy、Polish Journal of Environmental Studies、《科学学研究》、《经济学家》、《中国经济问题》等国内外期刊上发表学术论文30余篇,多篇论文被SSCI、SCI检索和《中国人民大学复印报刊资料》转载。
