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作者:周宏 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14763 字 所属图书:数量经济研究(2016年第7卷 第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文将2005年国家股权分置改革作为国家改善金融市场的宏观政策纳入回归模型。考虑到反映融资约束程度的指标众多,本文首先使用Logistic回归方法囊括了融资约束的多个影响因素,创建了反映上市公司融资约束程度的单一指标,用以将样本企业的融资约束程度进行量化。其次,构建了反映上市公司投资-现金流敏感度的PanelData模型。将样本数据分为1999~2004年及2005~2009年两组进行比较分析,观察2005年的股权分置改革是否对企业的融资约束现象有所改善,并研究融资约束与企业... 展开



Abstract:In this paper,the 2005 annual national Innovation of non-tradable shares is incorporated into the regression mode as Macroeconomic policy that our country improves the financial market. Considering large quantities of indexes reflecting the financing constraints,this paper firstly used the Logistic regression method included multiple influencing factors of financing constraints and created a single index about listed companies’ fin... 展开

Abstract:In this paper,the 2005 annual national Innovation of non-tradable shares is incorporated into the regression mode as Macroeconomic policy that our country improves the financial market. Considering large quantities of indexes reflecting the financing constraints,this paper firstly used the Logistic regression method included multiple influencing factors of financing constraints and created a single index about listed companies’ financing constraints to quantify the sample enterprise financing constraints. Secondly,the paper constructed a Panel Data model about listed company investment-cash flow sensitivity,divided the sample data into 1999-2004 and 2005-2009 year two groups for comparative analysis,observed the 2005 annual innovation of non-tradable shares improving the corporate financing constraints phenomenon or not,and studied the relationship between financing constraints and corporate investment behaviors. The results reveal that the national innovation of non-tradable shares indeed improve the financing constraints our listed companies facing with. In the 1999-2004 year range,due to the principal-agent factors’ influences,listed company financing constraints and investment-cash flow sensitivity showed “U”-type relationship,namely,managers may invest excessively for the pursuit of personal interests lead to high enterprise investment-cash flow sensitivity when financing constraints is low and the enterprise has sufficient funds;In 2005-2009 year range,the improvement of financial market weaken the principal-agent factors’ influences on enterprises investment,and financing constraints and the listed company investment-cash flow sensitivity in our country is positively related,supporting the mainstream viewpoint of domestic and foreign scholar studies.


