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作者:陈利君 出版日期:2014年01月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16088 字 所属丛书:国际战略研究丛书 所属图书:中国周边安全形势评估(2014):构建新型大国关系与塑造和平的周边环境 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:孟中印缅四国山水相连,资源禀赋各异,文化多样,经济互补性强,合作交流的历史源远流长。自1999年孟中印缅(BCIM)地区经济合作论坛创立以来,先后在四国轮流举办了11次会议,发表了若干倡议、声明等,不仅对四国及相关其他国家产生了较大影响,而且有力地促进了BCIM次区域合作,实现了互利共赢、共同发展。特别是在合作机制、交通、经贸、旅游等领域的合作取得了明显进展。目前,BCIM地区经济合作论坛已成为中国与南亚国家加强联系、推进次区域合作的重要合作机制。但也... 展开



Abstract:Bangladesh,China,India and Myanmar are linked by rivers and mountains.The four countries enjoy a long history of contacts and they vary in term of natural endowment and culture.The four economies are also highly complementary.The four countries hold the conference alternatively since BCIM Regional Economic Forum was found in 1999.BCIM have published some proposals and statements which have great impact.The BICM is aimed at mutual be... 展开

Abstract:Bangladesh,China,India and Myanmar are linked by rivers and mountains.The four countries enjoy a long history of contacts and they vary in term of natural endowment and culture.The four economies are also highly complementary.The four countries hold the conference alternatively since BCIM Regional Economic Forum was found in 1999.BCIM have published some proposals and statements which have great impact.The BICM is aimed at mutual benefit and common development.It has achievement on the cooperation in the filed of mechanism,transport,trade,tour and so on.BCIM is an important cooperation mechanism for strengthening links and improving sub-regional cooperation between China and South Asia.However,BCIM sub-regional cooperation is still in the process of development and has a lot of problem.Compared with the new situation of economic globalization and cooperation potential between the four countries,BCIM sub-regional cooperation develops slowly.In order to boost pragmatic cooperation between BCIM,the four countries should strengthen coordination,take advantage and learn from each other.


