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作者:赵明昊 出版日期:2014年01月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17759 字 所属丛书:国际战略研究丛书 所属图书:中国周边安全形势评估(2014):构建新型大国关系与塑造和平的周边环境 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在新的国际和国内形势下,中国外交正在发生具有深刻政策意涵的演变,观察这一变化的重要窗口和切入点即构建“新型大国关系”的理念和实践,这也是评估中国周边安全形势以及中国周边外交战略变化的重要参照系。新型大国关系旨在破解“国强必霸、强国必争、争而必战”的历史周期律,破除以冷战思维、零和博弈、阵营对抗等为特征的传统大国关系定式,突出利益交融、兴衰相伴、安危与共的大国关系新特征,推动以合作求和平、以合作促发展、以合作谋安全。构建新型大国关系始于... 展开



Abstract:Despite apparent continuities,Chinese foreign policy and diplomatic practice have been undergoing significant changes since Chinese new leadership took office.The building up of a New-Type Major Power Relations(NMPR)is one key element in such changes and is consequential to Chinese policy and diplomacy toward peripheral.regions The NMPR emerges in comparison to the century-old patterns of major power relations which features geopol... 展开

Abstract:Despite apparent continuities,Chinese foreign policy and diplomatic practice have been undergoing significant changes since Chinese new leadership took office.The building up of a New-Type Major Power Relations(NMPR)is one key element in such changes and is consequential to Chinese policy and diplomacy toward peripheral.regions The NMPR emerges in comparison to the century-old patterns of major power relations which features geopolitical rivalry,zero-sum competition and bloc confrontation.It also seeks to respond to the contemporary nature and trends of international relations with unprecedented interdependence as the overarching characteristic,which entails multidimensional and substantial cooperation for lasting peace,stability and common prosperity.The Chinese leadership is focusing on promoting NMPR between China and the US,and recalibrating the bilateral relationship in Asia-Pacific region in a positive manner is a priority.future tasks include substantiateing the NMPR and puting the concept into specific actions as well as developing NMPR with other major powers,and coordinating Chinese policies towards major powers and its neighboring countries.


