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作者:崔凤 张玉洁 出版日期:2015年07月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21377 字 所属图书:海洋法律、社会与管理(第6卷) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:一方面,当前我国海洋环境状况日益恶化,另一方面,作为目前社会科学领域中研究海洋环境变迁的主要工具的《海洋环境状况公报》有其时间和内容上的局限性,因此本研究运用口述史研究方法收集环渤海海域渔民有关海洋环境变迁的记忆,以此作为研究资料来分析新中国成立以来渤海海洋环境变迁状况。研究发现,渔民对海洋环境变迁最深刻的主观感受集中在三方面,即海洋污染逐渐加剧,海洋渔业资源日渐枯竭,在海洋环境变迁影响下渔民作业规律改变、收入减少、从事海洋渔业的渔民... 展开



Abstract:On the one hand the marine environment is deteriorating increasingly;on the other hand it can not obtain the complete change process of the marine environment since our country established in 1949 by using the existing statistical bulletins. Therefore,this study uses oral history methods to collect the memories of fishermen around Bohai Sea on the changes of marine environment,and analyzes the changes based on the first-hand files ... 展开

Abstract:On the one hand the marine environment is deteriorating increasingly;on the other hand it can not obtain the complete change process of the marine environment since our country established in 1949 by using the existing statistical bulletins. Therefore,this study uses oral history methods to collect the memories of fishermen around Bohai Sea on the changes of marine environment,and analyzes the changes based on the first-hand files collected. It can be concluded that the most impressive subjective opinions of fishermen on the changes of marine environment concentrate on three dimensions:first is the marine pollution is intensifying;second is the marine fishery resources is drying up;third is the effects of marine environment changes on fishermen’s production and life,mainly displaying in the change of fishery operation regulation,the increase of the fishery cost and the decline of the fishermen’s interest,which brought about by the decline of fish resource amount,and consequently the number of fishermen and fishing boats less and less and the fishermen turn to other industry. The oral history research method applies in the field of marine environment change research has its unique value in certainly. It can make up the lack and deficiency of the existing official data,let the basic mass make their sound in academic research,go deep into the fishermen’s life and communicate with them to gather more real and vivid research data,and this method is also the change of research perspectives,namely backing to real life in research perspectives to make the research data in the field of marine environment change more real and specific.



崔凤:崔凤(1967~ ),男,吉林乾安人,中国海洋大学法政学院党委书记、教授、博士生导师,哲学博士、社会学博士后,研究方向为海洋社会学、环境社会学、社会政策。

张玉洁:张玉洁(1988~ ),女,山东青岛人,中国海洋大学法政学院社会学专业2011级研究生,研究方向为海洋社会学。
